C Program to compute the perimeter of triangle

C program to find the perimeter of a triangle

This c program is used to calculate the perimeter of a triangle based on user inputs each side lengths length1, length2 and length3.

Formula to compute perimeter of a triangle

Perimeter of a triangle: length1 + length2 + length3

length1, length2 and length3 are length of each sides of triangle.

C program to calculate the perimeter of a triangle

// Finds perimeter of a triangle
void main()                                                                     
    int length1, length2, length3, perimeter=0;                                 
    printf("\nFinds perimeter of a triangle\n------------------------");        
    printf("\nEnter Length1: ");                                                
    scanf("%d", &length1);                                                      
    printf("\nEnter Length2: ");                                                
    scanf("%d", &length2);                                                      
    printf("\nEnter Length3: ");                                                
    scanf("%d", &length3);                                                      
    perimeter = length1+length2+length3;                                        
    printf("Perimeter of a triangle is: %d", perimeter);                        


$ cc perimeter-of-triangle.c 
$ ./a.out 

Finds perimeter of a triangle
Enter Length1: 5

Enter Length2: 7

Enter Length3: 9
Perimeter of a triangle is: 21[

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