C# Program to Find Square Root of a Number

How to find square root in C# program ?

System namespace contains the Math class which has Sqrt method to perform square root value for given double value.

double Math.Sqrt(double)

C# Program to Find Square Root of a Double Number

 This C# program to calculate square root value of number.
 Also added single and multiline comments.
using System; // System is a namespace

public class SqrtCalc
    // Main method which starts the program execution.
    public static void Main()
        // Declaration and initialization
        double num = 36.0;
         // Variable declaration
        double sqrtVal;
        sqrtVal = Math.Sqrt(num);
        Console.WriteLine("Square Root Value (" + num + ")" + ": " + sqrtVal);
        // Waits for any key press


C:> csc SqrtCalc.cs
C:> SqrtCalc
Square Root Value (36): 6

Finds Square Root of a Float Number

We can also pass the float number instead of double number (implicit type casting) to Math.Sqrt mmethd and returns double value.

 This C# program to calculate square root value of number.
 Also added single and multiline comments.
using System; // System is a namespace

public class SqrtCalc
    // Main method which starts the program execution.
    public static void Main()
        // Declaration and initialization
        float num = 36.0F;
         // Variable declaration
        double sqrtVal;
        sqrtVal = Math.Sqrt(num);
        Console.WriteLine("Square Root Value (" + num + ")" + ": " + sqrtVal);
        // Waits for any key press


C:> csc SqrtCalc.cs
C:> SqrtCalc
Square Root Value (36): 6

Finds Square Root of a Integer Number

We can also pass the integer number instead of double number (implicit type casting) to Math.Sqrt method and returns double value.

 This C# program to calculate square root value of number.
 Also added single and multiline comments.
using System; // System is a namespace

public class SqrtCalc
    // Main method which starts the program execution.
    public static void Main()
        // Declaration and initialization
        int num = 36;
         // Variable declaration
        double sqrtVal;
        sqrtVal = Math.Sqrt(num);
        Console.WriteLine("Square Root Value (" + num + ")" + ": " + sqrtVal);
        // Waits for any key press


C:> csc SqrtCalc.cs
C:> SqrtCalc
Square Root Value (36): 6

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