Go Language Arithmetic operations

Go Language Arithmetic Operations

Basic arithmetic operations such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/) are supported in Go programming.

Go Example for Arithmetic Operations

Below Go code is used to illustrate the basic arithmetic operations.

package main                                                               	 
import "fmt"                                                               	 
func main() {                                                              	 
	// declare variables                                                   	 
	var a, b, c int                                                        	 
	// assign values                                                       	 
	a = 10                                                                 	 
	b = 4                                                                  	 
	// arithmetic operations                                               	 
	// addition of a and b                                                 	 
	c = a + b                                                              	 
	fmt. Printf("%d + %d = %d\n", a, b, c)                                 	 
	// subtraction of a and b                                              	 
	c = a - b                                                              	 
	fmt. Printf("%d - %d: %d\n", a, b, c)                                  	 
	// multiplication of a and b                                           	 
	c = a * b                                                              	 
	fmt. Printf("%d * %d: %d\n", a, b, c)                                  	 
	// division of a and b                                                 	 
	d := float32(a) / float32(b)                                           	 
	fmt. Printf("%d + %d: %.2f\n", a, b, d)                                	 
$ go build arithmetic-operations.go
$ ./arithmetic-operations
10 + 4 = 14
10 - 4: 6
10 * 4: 40
10 + 4: 2.50