Go Program for String Concatenation

Go Program for String Concatenation

In Go programming, we can use ‘+’ operator or fmt.Sprintf function to concatenate the strings.

Simple Go program explains to use ‘+’ operator and fmt.Sprintf function to concatenate the strings.

package main                                                               	 
import "fmt"                                                               	 
func main() {                                                              	 
	var str1, str2 string                                                  	 
	str1 = "Welcome to "                                                   	 
	str2 = "codingpointer.com!"                                            	 
	// Using '+' operator to concatenate strings                           	 
	str3 := str1 + str2                                                    	 
	//Using fmt.Sprintf function                                           	 
	str4 := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", str1, str2)                                	 
$ go build string-concatenation.go
$ ./string-concatenation
Welcome to codingpointer.com!
Welcome to codingpointer.com!