Java Program for Box Layout GUI

Java Program for JFrame Box Layout(GUI)

In java programming, we can also use box layout in JFrame to create a Graphical user interface (GUI) using JFrame class.

In Java JFrame, need to set the layout to add the components.

Box Layout is used to put the components in X-Axis or Y-Axis direction in the JFrame.

How to add box layout in Java ?

setLayout(new BoxLayout(Container panel, int axis));

Container panel uses the Box layout and axis sets the components arranged in x axis direction or in y axis direction.

Example Java Program for JFrame Box Layout (GUI)

This java code uses box layout to arrange the button components.

// importing swing package for JFrame, JButton controls
import javax.swing.*;
// importing to use Container class
import java.awt.*;

public class BoxLayoutTest extends JFrame {
	public BoxLayoutTest(){
		// Setting Title to the JFrame GUI
		setTitle("Grid Bag Layout Test Java Code");
                // Creating content panel to add the panels.
		Container container = getContentPane();
		JPanel panel = new JPanel();
		// Setting box layout to JFrame GUI
		panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
		// Adding buttons using Box Layout
		panel.add(new JButton("Button1"));
		panel.add(new JButton("Button2"));
		panel.add(new JButton("Button3"));
		panel.add(new JButton("Button4"));
		panel.add(new JButton("Button5"));
                // adds panel into Container
                //Adjust the size of all components.

	public static void main(String[] args){
		// Create JFrame for GUI frame and title as 'Add Button in JFrame Java Code'
		BoxLayoutTest frame = new BoxLayoutTest();

Box layout Y Axis

JFrame box layout java code

Box layout X Axis

panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
JFrame box layout java code

Once executing this java program, Frame with box layout buttons arranged either X-Axis or Y-Axis direction will be popped up as above and closes if we click close button in the frame title.

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