Python Tutorial
Debugger is one of the important thing any programming language to debug the code flow and used to identify the issues.
Debugger also saves you time and improves your programming skills.
In python programming, standard library has python debugger tool pdb which is used to debug the python code.
pdb has the most features needed for debugging such as breakpoints, single line stepping, inspection of stack frames, and so on.
Learning basic knowledge of using pdb will be useful in the environments where you can’t install other enhanced debugger.
This python program is used read list of elements and prints in custom format using for loop and enumerate function.
!/usr/bin/python list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val))
Two different ways to use python debugger pdb in your program, there are using in command line arguments or inside python code.
This is one of the way to run python debugger for any python program but here once program execution is done, manually needs to exit from python debugger ‘pdb’..
In python2.7,
$ python -m pdb > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] (Pdb)
In python3,
$ python3 -m pdb > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] (Pdb)
In python programming, we can also the set the breakpoint to debug the code by importing pdb module.
#!/usr/bin/python list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val))
Most of the programming, important in debugging is to navigate the execution stack.
Once the Python debugger is running with python debugger, below commands are useful to debug the code.
w: Shows which line is currently executed and where is the execution stack in python program.
l : List the more context or code around the current the location in python program.
u: Navigates the call stack up in python program.
d: Navigates the call stack down in python program.
n: Moving debugger execution to the next line
s: Executes the current line and stop to debug in the location of the function which is called.
c: Continues execution and stops to debug at the next breakpoint in python program.
$ python3 -m pdb > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] (Pdb) n > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): (Pdb) n > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) n index: 1 -> val: 10 > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): (Pdb) n > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) n index: 2 -> val: 20 > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): (Pdb) w /usr/lib64/python3.5/ -> exec(cmd, globals, locals) <string>(1)<module>() > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): (Pdb) l 1 #!/usr/bin/python 2 3 list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 4 5 -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): 6 print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) [EOF] (Pdb) u > <string>(1)<module>() (Pdb) d > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): (Pdb) s > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) c index: 3 -> val: 30 index: 4 -> val: 40 index: 5 -> val: 50 The program finished and will be restarted > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] (Pdb)
Either we can use variable name or using p and variable name to print the variable value in any debugging breakpoint.
$ python > /home/tmp//python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) index 1 (Pdb) val 10 (Pdb) p index 1 (Pdb) p 10 10
exit is used to exit python debugger.
In python programming, enhanced debuggers are also available to provide a better user experience.
Mostly adds useful extra features to pdb python debugger like below
Some Popular enhanced python debuggers are IPython’s ipdb and pdb++.
To install the IPython ipdb, use pip in the virtual environment.
$ virtualenv venv
Once installed, activate virtual environment.
$ . venv/bin/activate
Install idpb python debugger using pip command.
$ pip install idpb
Set the debugger breakpoint in the python program and run the python program, ipdb debugger works.
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
otherwise run ipdb debugger in command line as below.
$ python -m ipdb > /home/tmp/python/<module>() 2 ----> 3 list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 4 ipdb> n > /home/tmp/python/<module>() 4 ----> 5 for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): 6 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ipdb> n > /home/tmp/python/<module>() 5 for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): ----> 6 import pdb; pdb.set_trace() 7 print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) ipdb> n > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) n index: 1 -> val: 10 > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> for index, val in enumerate(list_arr,1): (Pdb) c > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) c index: 2 -> val: 20 > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) c index: 3 -> val: 30 > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> print("index: %d -> val: %d" % (index, val)) (Pdb) c index: 4 -> val: 40 > /home/tmp/python/<module>() -> import pdb; pdb.set_trace() (Pdb) c index: 5 -> val: 50 The program finished and will be restarted > /home/tmp/python/<module>() 2 ----> 3 list_arr = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 4
This is also similar like ipdb and also can be used in virtual environment.
Enable virtual environment.
$ . venv/bin/activate
Install pdb++ debugger pip install pdbp
Set the debugger breakpoint in the python program and run the python program, pdb++ debugger works.
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()« Previous Next »
Python Tutorial
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