Python String Replacement using regex

How to replace sub string using regex in python programming ?

In python programming, sub function in re python module is used to replace sub string in a string using regular expression with different string.

import re

text = "testing  in  progress" 
text = re.sub("\s+", " ", text)

This code replaces all the occurrence of more than one consecutive spaces with one space in the text.

]$ python
testing in progress
import re                                                                       
text = "testing in progress"                                                    
text = re.sub("[te]+", "@", text)                                               

This python code is used to replace the one or more occurrence of character "t", "e" or combined string with "@" character in the string.

]$ python
@s@ing in progr@ss

Example Python Program to list PCI addresses

This python program reads the "/proc/bus/pci/devices" file and identifies pci addresses.

#!/usr/bin/env python                                                           
import re                                                                       
def get_all_pci_addresses():                                                    
    pci_addresses = []                                                          
    with open("/proc/bus/pci/devices") as pciinfo:                              
        for line in pciinfo:                                                    
            line = re.sub("\s+", " ", line.strip())                             
            fields = line.split(" ")                                            
            if len(fields) == 18:                                               
                pci_embed = fields[0]                                           
                bus = pci_embed[0] + pci_embed[1]                               
                dev = str(hex((int(pci_embed[2], 16) << 1) + (int(pci_embed[3], 16) >> 3)))[2:].rjust(2, "0").upper()
                fun =str(hex(int(pci_embed[3], 16) & 7))[2:].upper()            
                pci = "0000:" + bus + ":" + dev + "." + fun                     
    return pci_addresses                                                        
pci_addresses = get_all_pci_addresses()                                         
$ python
['0000:00:02.0', '0000:00:03.0', '0000:00:14.0', '0000:00:16.0', 
'0000:00:16.3', '0000:00:19.0', '0000:00:1A.0', '0000:00:1B.0', 
'0000:00:1C.0', '0000:00:1C.1', '0000:00:1D.0', '0000:00:1F.0',
 '0000:00:1F.2', '0000:00:1F.3', '0000:02:00.0', '0000:03:00.0']

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