Python Instance, Static and Class Methods

Python Instance Methods

  • An class instance is used to call a instance method.
  • Instance is implicitly passed as the first argument, self argument is used to access instance members.
class Arthmetic:                                                                
    def __init__(self, a, b):                                                   
        self.a = a;                                                             
        self.b = b;                                                             
    def get_subtraction(self):                                                  
        print("sub of %d and %d is: %d" % (self.a, self.b, (self.a-self.b))); 

arth = Arthmetic(10, 3);                                                       
$ python
sub of 10 and 3 is: 7

Python Static Methods

  • Static method can be called either using class name or using an instance.
  • Static methods in Python are similar to those found in Java or C++.
  • Static method does not receive an implicit first argument either class name or instance.
  • Static method is bound to the class and not the instance of the class.
  • Static method can’t access or modify state of the class.
  • Static method needs no specific parameters to define a function.
  • To declare a static method, use @staticmethod function decorator.
class Arithmetic:                                                               
    def __init__(self, a, b):                                                   
        self.a = a;                                                             
        self.b = b;                                                             
    def get_sum(a, b):                                                          
        print("sum of %d and %d is: %d" %(a, b, a+b));                          
# static method is called using class name                                                   
Arithmetic.get_sum(10, 3); 

arth = Arithmetic(10, 3);                                                       
# static method is called using instance.
arth.get_sum(34, 2);  
$ python
sum of 10 and 3 is: 13
sum of 34 and 2 is: 36

Python Class Methods

  • Class method can also be called either using class name or using an instance.
  • Class method receives the class name as implicit first argument, just similar like an instance method receives the instance.
  • If class method is called using instance, instance is just ignored, only class name as implicit first argument.
  • Class method can access or modify state of the class.
  • Generally class method can be used to create factory methods. Factory methods return the class ( similar like a constructor ).
  • To declare a class method, use @classmethod function decorator.
class Arithmetic:                                                               
    def __init__(self, a, b):                                                   
        self.a = a;                                                             
        self.b = b;                                                             
    def get_sum(cls, a, b):                                                     
        print("%s - sum of %d and %d is: %d" %(cls, a, b, a+b));                
Arithmetic.get_sum(10, 3);                                                      
arth = Arithmetic(10, 3);                                                       
arth.get_sum(34, 2);   
$ python
__main__.Arithmetic - sum of 10 and 3 is: 13
__main__.Arithmetic - sum of 34 and 2 is: 36

Invoking class method using derived class object

if we invoke class method using derived class name or derived class instance, derived class name is used as first argument in the class method.
class Arithmetic:                                                               
    def __init__(self, a, b):                                                   
        self.a = a;                                                             
        self.b = b;                                                             
    def get_sum(cls, a, b):                                                     
        print("%s - sum of %d and %d is: %d" %(cls, a, b, a+b));                
class TestClass(Arithmetic):                                                    
   def __init__(self, a, b):                                                    
       Arithmetic.__init__(self, a, b);                                         
TestClass.get_sum(10, 3);                                                       
arth = TestClass(12, 2);                                                        
arth.get_sum(34, 2);   
$ python
__main__.TestClass - sum of 10 and 3 is: 13
__main__.TestClass - sum of 34 and 2 is: 36

Instance, Class and Static Methods

class Arthmetic:                                                                
    def __init__(self, a, b):                                                   
        self.a = a;                                                             
        self.b = b;                                                             
    def get_subtraction(self):                                                  
        print("sub of %d and %d is: %d" % (self.a, self.b, (self.a-self.b)));   
    # class method returns class instance with initialized values for a and b   
    def initialize_a_b(cls, a, b):                                              
        return cls(a, b);                                                       
    # static method to compute sum of a and b                                   
    def get_sum(a, b):                                                          
        print("sum of %d and %d is: %d" %(a, b, a+b));                          
arth1 = Arthmetic(10, 3);   
# invokes instance method                                                    
# invokes class method                                                          
arth2 = Arthmetic.initialize_a_b(14, 5);                                        
print("arth1 instance a: %d and b: %d" % (arth1.a, arth1.b));                   
print("arth2 instance a: %d and b: %d" % (arth2.a, arth2.b));                   
# invokes static methods.                                                       
Arthmetic.get_sum(12, 5);                                                       
arth2.get_sum(13, 2);                                                           
$ python
sub of 10 and 3 is: 7
arth1 instance a: 10 and b: 3
arth2 instance a: 14 and b: 5
sum of 12 and 5 is: 17
sum of 13 and 2 is: 15

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