Python Type Conversion

What is type conversion in python?

Type conversion is common to assign a value of one type to a variable of another type.
var = "100"
# int method converts string value into integer value.
val = int(var)

# prints integer value 100 here.
print val

Some predefined type conversion methods in python

Methods Description
int(var) Converts var to an integer
long(var) Converts var to a long integer
float(var) Converts var to a float number
complex(real [,imag]) Converts into complex number.
str(var) Converts var to a string
eval(str) Evaluates and returns an object
repr(obj) Converts object into an expression string.
frozenset(obj) Converts object into a frozen set.
tuple(value) Converts value to a tuple
list(obj) Converts obj to a list.
set(obj) Converts obj to a set.
dict({key1: value1}, {key2:value2}..) Creates a dictionary with initialized items
chr(int_var) Converts int to a character
unichr(int_var) Converts int to a Unicode character
hex(int_var) Converts int to a hexadecimal string.
oct(int_var) Converts int to an octal string.

Python Type Conversion Example

var_a = 45;                                                                     
print "string " + str(var_a);                                                   
var_b = "(34 + 45)";                                                            
var_eval_result = eval(var_b);                                                  
print("Evaluate String: %d" % var_eval_result);                                 
var_c = float(var_a)/float(2);                                                  
print("divison in float: %f" % var_c); 
$ python
string 45
Evaluate String: 79
divison in float: 22.500000

repr type conversion example

var_b = repr(34 + 45);                                                                                                                                     
var_eval_result = eval(var_b);                                                  
print("Evaluate String: %d" % var_eval_result);  
$ python
Evaluate String: 79

Frozen set

Frozen set is just an immutable version of a Python set object. Elements of a frozen set cannot be modified at any time, remains the same after creation but elements in set can be modified.
Returns an empty frozenset if no parameters in frozenset method.
var_b = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7};                                                        
var_result = frozenset(var_b);                                                  
print("frozenset is: %s" % var_result);                                         
print("frozenset empty is: %s" % frozenset()); 
$ python
frozenset is: frozenset([1, 2, 3, 6, 7])
frozenset empty is: frozenset([])

Type Casting float/int in python

int type casting

Type casting string format int and float value to int, resulting invalid result when type casting into int value.
def validSalary(sal):                                                           
       sal = int(sal);                                                          
       return 4000 <= sal <= 7000;                                              
    except ValueError as ex:                                                    
        return False;                                                           
print "Salary 5000 is ", validSalary('5000');                                   
print "Salary 5000.0 is ", validSalary('5000.0');    
print "Salary '' is ", validSalary('');
$ python
Salary '5000' is  True
Salary '5000.0' is  False
Salary '' is  False

float type casting

def validSalary(sal):                                                           
       sal = float(sal);                                                        
       return 4000 <= sal <= 7000;                                              
    except ValueError as ex:                                                    
        return False;                                                           
print "Salary '5000' is ", validSalary('5000');                                 
print "Salary '5000.0' is ", validSalary('5000.0');                             
print "Salary '' is ", validSalary(''); 
$ python
Salary '5000' is  True
Salary '5000.0' is  True
Salary '' is  False

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