HTML Tutorial

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HTML Introduction and History

What is HTML?

  • HTML is the tool for designing a web page.
  • The acronym for Hyper-Text Mark-up Language is HTML.
  • It's the most widely used language on Web to develop web pages.
  • It is a universal language to design a static web page.
  • HTML is machine independent, and all internet browsers supports the HTML code.
  • Hypertext refers to link the Web pages (HTML documents).Link available on a webpage are called Hypertext.
  • HTML is a Markup Language which means you use HTML to simply "mark up" a text document with tags that Web browser understands the way to present it to display
  • Makes use of various tags to format the content. These tags are enclosed within angle braces . Except few tags, most of the tags have their corresponding closing tags

HTML History

  • In 1986, International Standardising Organization (ISO) standardized documentation system concept as Standard Generalized Mark-up Language (SGML).
  • In 1989, Tim Berners Lee and his team in the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CEPR) designed the present form of documentation language and it is called HTML.

HTML Versions

HTML0 is the oldest varsion. Current version is HTML 5.

HTML Documents

We can create static web pages using HTML. Every HTML document has two sections.
  • head
  • body

HTML Document Structure

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>This is a Heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


  • <!DOCTYPE...> This tag defines the document type and HTML version.
  • <html> This tag encloses the complete HTML document and mainly comprises of document header which is represented by <head>...</head> and document body which is represented by <body>...</body> tags.
  • <head> This tag represents the document's header which can keep other HTML tags like <title>, <link> etc.
  • <title> The <title> tag is used inside the tag to mention the document title.
  • <body> This tag represents the document's body which keeps other HTML tags like <h1>, <div>, <p> etc.
  • <h1> This tag represents the heading.
  • <p> This tag represents a paragraph.


HTML tags are represented by < and > symbols.
HTML tags are mostly pairs like <h1> and </h1>, first tag in a pair is the start tag and second tag is the end tag.

HTML Attributes

All HTML tags can have attributes to additional information to format the content.
<tagname attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2">content</tagname>
here attribute1 and attribute2 are HTML tag 'tagname' attributes. attributes are always specified in start tag and mostly name value pairs.